
CAIE/Edexcel Exam Preparation Center in Dhaka, offering academic coaching on  IGCSE (O-Level ) and IAL (A-Level ) exam preparation courses including Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information, And Communication Technology We conduct a wide range of one or two days Workshop programs on various topic from IGCSE and IAL Mathematics , Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology

The Ultimate College Packing Guide

Crash Course on Rate of Change

Price : Contact Office Desk
Date : 2023-11-26
The Ultimate College Packing Guide

Crash Course on Domain and Range

Price : Contact Office Desk
Date : 2023-11-27
The Ultimate College Packing Guide

Crash Course on Integration

Price : Contact Office Desk
Date : 2023-11-28
The Ultimate College Packing Guide

Crash Course on Sketching Curves

Price : Contact Office Desk
Date : 2023-11-29