Get the best of Crash Course on Sketching Curves, experience-driven assessment

Date 2023-11-29
Total Hours 4 Hours Hours
Class Schedule
Last Date of Registration Open for Admission
Course Fee Contact Office Desk

online-course.png Crash Course on Sketching Curves Description

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Get the best of Crash Course on Sketching Curves, experience-driven assessment Crash Course on Sketching Curves

Google Drive Links on Sketching 

Ad Math | P1 | P2

part 1  (sin/cos/tan skech foundation)
Part 2 ( modulus and Negative Functgion )
Part 3 // no need for O level Students
Part 4  / quadratic function

P3 | P4
Part 5 ( log and exponential function)
Part 6  ( sec/ cosec/ cot function)

pencil.png What you will Learn

pencil.png Eligibility:

pencil.png Career Options: